
Kid Fresh
Jesus loves children, and so do we! He said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” We too, are passionate about seeing the kids in our community know and grow in Christ. Everything we teach and do comes from God’s Word, the Bible. Our influence and love for children is born in a relationship with our Lord and Savior. So, every meeting and every weekend is planned to help them know God in a relationship with Jesus. The KidFresh ministry runs simultaneously with our 9:30 and 11am Sunday worship. You can check your child in and know they will receive God’s Word!
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Sunday Ignite
In addition to our Sunday morning ministry to children, we have an evening totally planned for children and teenagers (Kindergartners to high school seniors). Meeting at 5:30 for a fantastic dinner, we follow with the A.W.A.N.A. program of teaching and memorizing Holy Scripture. In this crazy, chaotic world, we believe it’s time to center the young hearts on a relationship with God and new friends. Every Sunday night is filled with laughter and fun and an experience with God.
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Fresh is serious and intentional about making true disciples. Since growing in Christ is fluid and continues to transform us into His followers and disciples, we don’t settle on one method of spiritual growth. However, believing the Word of God is true and sufficient for our maturity in Christ, women’s ministry, men’s ministry, and couples meet in periods of time over the course of the year (some meet most weeks, others for a few months at a time). New groups are forming regularly, and hope that you will join with us to know Him more.
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Get Involved
When you come to Christ, that is giving Him your life, the Bible says, “…just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” The word, “newness” means “fresh”. This FRESH life is what we are all about. We are not just another church in the lake community, but we believe God has put us here to be the center of the community. We would love for you to be on mission with us as we serve our neighbors. If you have any questions about baptism, church membership, serving, or ongoing spiritual growth opportunities, we are happy and eager to help lead you to know Christ more.
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